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Top Gay Blogs to inspire your life in 2024!

Top Gay Blogs to inspire your life in 2024!

Searching for some humble LGBTQ inspo? Get online and check out these awesome and super inspiring gay blogs!

In a post-Covid world, many of us retain all those amazing online skills we picked up during lockdowns…(TikTok dance routines anyone…?!). If one good thing came out of Covid it was that, right? Above all else, the online world grew massively in particular our glorious LGBTQ Internet family.

There are so many excellent gay blogs out there for everything – from fitness, fashion, family planning, relationships, and even money-saving tips. And of course, our favorite – travel!

Gay couple travel book Nomadic Boys Out in the World

In this article, we've put together some of the best gay blogs we think you need to be following!

To be clear, we're only focusing on ‘first-person voice' website-based blogs that specifically feature a particular personality, write about LGBTQ issues, and are updated frequently. Our list of the best gay bloggers is by no means comprehensive – and we've probably left out heaps…let us know which are your favorites or if you think we've left any out so we can also check them out!

1. Rhonda’s Escape – Transgender blog

Rhonda's Escape is a blog where you can read the personal musings of a person who has never felt quite at home in any gender binary

Rhonda Williams writes on her blog Rhonda's Escape that “I have spent a significant amount of your life questioning my gender identity and do not fit into the binary male/female continuum”. Her blog posts include musings on fashion and sharing articles she's read on gender identity, as well as personal opinion pieces about politics.

We particularly love Rhonda's refreshing writing style, which is more akin to an online journal than today's more modern clickbaity-type sites you so often see. Rhonda also shares inspiring stories or funny comics she's seen with her followers as well as making space for her online friends to guest post.

Make sure you head over to Rhonda's Escape for some excellent blog post discussions on feminism, crossdressing, politics, popular culture, and fashion. This is one awesome transgender blog you need to be following!

2. My Fabulous Disease – HIV blog

My Fabulous Disease is an inspiring and informative blog about living with HIV as a gay man

Mark S. King is an award-winning gay blogger, author, speaker, and HIV/AIDS activist who has lived with HIV since 1985. Mark's posts about his life are frank and open, dealing with the hard realities of gay life that LGBTQ people still face, from homophobic slurs to HIV-positive stigma within the gay community.

We enjoy reading Mark's takes on current events, often snarky but always well-written and honest. Aside from his blog, My Fabulous Disease, he was also awarded the 2020 Journalist of the Year award by NLGJA (the National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association) and often speaks in public about HIV issues.

Along with his opinions and openness about being HIV-positive, Mark speaks openly about his struggles with drug addiction too. We don't want to just say his honesty is inspiring because it's more than that. His writing and videos help plenty of other people so for that, we applaud him.

3. Nomadic Boys – Gay travel blog

We don't want to toot our own horn but our gay travel blog is pretty good!

When we began our Nomadic Boys gay travel blog back in 2013, there were very few good online LGBTQ resources, especially covering Asia. What began as an online weblog diary of our trip as a gay couple around Asia has since morphed into one of the most recognizable online gay travel resources.

We publish our experiences traveling around the world as a gay couple covering everything from the local gay scene, best Pride events, unique experiences (queer tango or Trans Siberian railway anyone?), and interviews with LGBTQ locals in each destination we visit.

Our social media community has also grown alongside our blog, with around half a million followers, particularly across our Facebook and Instagram. We love interacting with each and every one of our followers and take great pride in the high engagement we have with them.

Our aim is to inspire gay men and show them they can travel to more places than they thought possible via our own travel experiences as a gay couple. We are so proud of what we have achieved with our Nomadic Boys gay blog and super excited to see how it will continue to evolve moving forward in the new weird post-Covid world!

4. Antony Simpson – Gay mental health blog

Antony Simpson writes a gay blog on mental health and even has a book about mental health wisdom

Antony Simpson is an author and nurse who blogs about all sorts of things to do with these topics as well as more general issues gay people encounter in the world. Describing himself as a ‘gay pagan man' we were particularly impressed by his book “Mental Health Wisdom“.

It's not surprising that LGBTQ people are at higher risk of experiencing poor mental health than those who are straight. Antony compiles his own experience as a registered nurse working in the fields of mental health, alcohol, and substance abuse into a guidebook for others to understand and then improve their own mental health.

As well as his book we enjoy reading his eclectic blog, where he writes about varied topics including (but not limited to) his life, cats, friends, family, paganism, living with diabetes, books, movies, and finance. He also writes short stories and journalistic pieces. We certainly never get bored when we're browsing his blog!

5. My Son Wears Heels – Transgender family blog

Julie Tarney's blog and book about her transgender child is inspiring and helpful reading

Julie Tarney is an author, speaker, consultant, trainer, and mother of a non-binary child. Her book “My Son Wears Heels” details how she had to learn and adapt to raising a child when her son told her at age two “Inside my head, I’m a girl”. The way Julie reacted to this, continually looking to learn how she could support her child before terms like transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary were really used, is pretty extraordinary.

Today Julie travels around the US and helps businesses to create more welcoming, supporting, and trans-inclusive workplaces. She also writes a fantastic blog with all sorts of helpful advice for other parents of LGBTQ children, like things your LGBTQ child needs you to know, as well as practical advice for how to be a year-round LGBTQ ally. This is definitely one of the best transgender blogs out there to check out!

Her writing is always supported by statistical evidence or her own experiences as a mother of a gender non-conforming child. Julie also organizes keynote speakers and training sessions on ways to make working environments more inclusive.

6. The Debt Free Guys – Gay money blog

We love reading the blog The Debt Free Guys because they offer helpful financial tips for gay readers

David and John are two husbands living a fabulous debt-free life while teaching others to do the same. Financial bloggers might be a dime a dozen, but there aren't that many who are queer and understand what it's like to be in debt while simultaneously wanting to live a carefree, gay lifestyle. Whether you're about booze, boys, and brunch or just want to pay off your student loans and then buy a house, Dave and John can probably help.

We love that they have practical help on topics like finding transgender life insurance and explaining how being gay can affect filing your taxes. Together, David and John have a wealth of financial wisdom to share, with guides, gay blog posts, and courses helping others get out of debt.

They also run an informative podcast called the Queer Money Podcast, which is perfect for those of us who like to listen to advice rather than read it! The guys are also super active on Twitter where they fire some pretty inspiring tweets.

7. Couple of Men – Gay travel blog

Karl and Daan are the gay couple behind the travel blog Couple of Men and we can't get enough of their content

Our friends and fellow gay travel bloggers Daan and Karl are absolutely adorable and we love them! Karl is German while Daan is Dutch. Together they love to explore the world and write about the best destinations for gay travelers. We often check out their reviews of hotels before we book and always adore looking at their stunning photos on Instagram.

We definitely rate A Couple of Men as one of the top gay men blogs. We love that they amplify other gay voices from around the world, which won them the Best in Travel 2021 LGBTIQ+ Storyteller Award by Lonely Planet. The boys are usually based in good old gay Amsterdam, one place in the world we are always happy to go back to in a heartbeat!

Karl and Daan also share writing on gay pride, from the history to queer icons and pride trips you can experience around the world. Their gay city guides are excellent, plus they write about the fun and exciting adventure trips they have taken which always get us excited for our own.

8. Two Bad Tourists – Gay travel blog

Auston and David from Two Bad Tourists bring lots of fun posts about travel and gay parties around the world

If you've followed us for a while then you probably already know we're both friends and fans of Auston and David from Two Bad Tourists. These guys are really a couple of queers after our own hearts, sharing fabulous stories about travel and gay parties from around the world.

We've also collaborated with the guys a few times as, just like us, they enjoy a good gay cruise and gay ski weeks. Auston and David have useful tips for single gay travelers and how to get the most from traveling solo. You can even search for gay group trips on Two Bad Tourists under a variety of useful categories.

For gay travelers who aren't that flush with cash, Two Bad Tourists provide lots of gay travel tips for saving money from their own experience as well. Having a look there is certainly better than saying “it must be nice” to be able to travel so much – one of their biggest pet peeves…we hear ya boys!

9. Once Upon A Journey – Lesbian lifestyle and travel blog

Roxanne and Maartje are the Dutch lesbian couple behind Once Upon a Journey, a blog about gay travel and life

Another one of our favorite gay travel blogs is Once Upon a Journey by the vivacious queer Dutchie Maartje. While she used to be fully nomadic she's now based in Amsterdam. Just like us, Maartje always strives to meet LGBTQ locals and support gay businesses when she travels.

We especially admire her gorgeous photography and guides on the most Instagrammable spots in stunning locations like Hong Kong and Amsterdam. Of course, other lesbian travelers will find the lesbian travel guides useful in which she covers destinations from India to Los Angeles. This is one of the best lesbians gay blogs out there, particularly for travel tips!

Maartje also writes about topics other than travel, sharing posts on things like her favorite lesbian TV shows, her personal coming-out story (Maartje is actually bi), and even her favorite board games for when you can't actually travel.

10. Foodie Flashpacker – Gay food and travel blog

Foodie Flashpacker is the fabulous gay food and travel blog of Nathan, a man after our hearts!

Nathan left his home in Oklahoma City nearly seven years ago on what he thought at the time was going to be a six-month trip around SE Asia. Since then he’s visited more than sixty countries across five continents and managed to build a successful food and travel blog along the way.

On his blog, you can expect to find detailed coverage of where and what to eat in cities around the world. He has recently visited popular gay destinations such as Puerto Vallarta, Tulum, Cabo San Lucas, and Mexico City so be sure to check out his site to discover the best places to eat in each of these destinations.

Nathan’s travel style is somewhere between budget and luxury. This means you won’t likely find him at the Four Seasons but you won’t find him in a 16-bed dorm either! Check out his IG stories during his travels to check out the best deals on gay friendly hotels, tour operators, and restaurants. He is always happy to engage with his followers so don’t be scared to jump into his DMs!

Nathan has dual nationality in both Mexico and the USA and calls Merida in Mexico his home. Other than his fabulous gay blog, you can follow Nathan on his Instagram and Facebook where he focuses on culinary discoveries – from street tacos to fine dining.

11. The Gay Gamer (Bryan) – Gay gaming blog

If you like old-school video games or newer handheld ones and pink then you will love reading the blog of The Gay Gamer!

One type of gay blog you don't see that many of are gaming blogs. The Gay Gamer is one of the few we've ever seen but luckily he makes up for it because his blog is so fun! Obviously, we love how aggressively PINK The Gay Gamer site is, but there's plenty more to it than that. We also enjoy his musings on old school video games. Gen Z-ers just can't relate! But we certainly can!

Bryan mostly writes reviews of newer games though, with handheld devices like the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo DS featuring prominently. With our nephews being into that sort of thing, we sometimes use The Gay Gamer to keep up to date with the newest games so we can beat their high scores!

Even if you're not really a big gamer yourself, Bryan's posts on things like comparing Final Fantasy III cover art or nostalgic looks at the Famicom art of Hello Kitty World are cute and whimsical. If you want to get into gaming and enjoy a healthy dose of pink, make sure you check out The Gay Gamer.

12. Daddy and Dad – Gay family dads

Daddy and Dad is the heartwarming blog about two gay dads and life with their adorable adopted sons

We've already talked about a couple of lesbian couples with children but Daddy and Dad is where we go when we want to read about two gay fathers raising a family. Jamie and Tom adopted their sons, brothers Lyall and Richard in 2014. From that time on they have been blogging about the experience as well as everything to do with their family life.

Daddy and Dad has won plenty of blogging awards too, both in LGBTQ and mainstream circles, for adoption and family blogging. Obviously, if you're thinking about adopting as a gay couple in the UK then Tom and Jamie are a goldmine of information on what to expect. Of course, you can also read plenty of heart-warming posts about their life: the fun activities they get up to with their boys, reviews of board games, and even parenting advice.

Being parents while gay isn't that uncommon these days, but it still brings challenges on top of those that come with raising adopted children. If you are in the same situation a blog like this lets you know you're not alone while providing advice and resources to help you (and your children) on the journey.

13. All Options Considered – Lesbian money blog

At All Options Considered Ali and Allison write about financial independence and travel from a gay perspective

We don't know what it is about our lesbian sisters, but they seem to be pretty good at the whole Financial Independence Retire Early movement right?! Ali and Allison are the ladies behind All Options Considered, a financial independence blog for LGBTQ readers. This FIRE blog is also a bit different to the other one we looked at earlier because Ali and Allison travel a LOT (before the pandemic they traveled full-time) and they don't have children.

While Ali and Allison have only been blogging for a reasonably short time, they still have a wealth of experience to share about travel and money matters. They started their full-time travel life in 2019 and, as well as fun guides to destinations, they have written some useful posts for other people considering full-time travel, like how to organize international dental care.

Even if you're not interested in traveling full-time you can find plenty of useful information on All Options Considered. Their guide to getting cheap accommodation would work even for vacationing and they explain how to figure out how much money you would need to retire in detail as well. In short, head to All Options Considered for savvy money advice and exciting travel content!

14. Probably This – Gay interior design blog

Cute gay couple Matt and Beau from Probably This write all about home decor, design and DIY along with recipes and travel contect

Flipping the switch completely in the other direction now, because Matt and Beau from Probably This just make us want to snuggle up at home together forever! They write about food, interior decor and design along with plenty of DIY projects to make your home cosier than ever. And all that's not even mentioning their adorable pooch, Fox!

We love the funny story behind the blog's beginnings, it was originally called “Probably Baking” in reference to people asking “whatcha doin' when you finish college?” It's evolved since then to Probably This, as a way to answer “what are you doing in life?” As major foodies ourselves we definitely enjoy the recipes section of their website where the boys' blog began.

Along with all the useful guides on decor, DIY, and home renovation, Matt and Beau have also managed to write some fascinating travel content as well. We personally can't wait to use their bumper guide to their hometown of New Orleans next time we're over stateside!

15. Tom and Lorenzo – Gay fashion blog

Tom and Lorenzo are a fabulous married couple who write about fashion, movies, tv and more all from a gay slant

Nearly everything you need to know about the power-couple Tom and Lorenzo can be found in their site's tagline: “fabulous & opinionated”! In 2006 they started “Project RunGay”, a gay-themed reality television blog that garnered plenty of acclaim. Nowadays you can read their musings on celebrities, fashion, movies, television and more on Tom and Lorenzo.

Not only do they share daily round-ups on interesting titbits and articles about who wore what but they also run a highly successful podcast and have even published books like “Everyone Wants to Be Me or Do Me: Tom & Lorenzo’s Fabulous & Opinionated Guide to Celebrity Life & Style”. Their most recent book, “Legendary Children: The First Decade of RuPaul’s Drag Race and the Last Century of Queer Life” is a fascinating look at queer life, particularly the influence that RuPaul's Drag Race has had on modern LGBTQ culture.

Most of the time, however, we just like to browse Tom and Lorenzo to see what the stars are wearing and which TV shows we should binge on next!

16. Alastair Lawrie – LGBTQ rights blog

Alastair Lawrie is a gay rights activist who also manages the No Homophobia No Exceptions Facebook page

We love Alastair Lawrie's gay blog on LGBTQ activism. His writing is particularly interesting if you want to see how gay rights are faring down under in Australia, although the topics he writes about are universal.

We find Alastair's astute articles to sometimes be sad and challenging but always informative. For example, his piece on Sydney, Australia shows that the city is far from the idyllic gay party paradise many people living outside the country might think. We were quite saddened to find out that the state of New South Wales (where Sydney is located) has the worst LGBTQ laws of any jurisdiction in Australia. And even though Australia legalized gay marriage in 2017, Alastair notes there is still a way to go until gay Australians are really equal to straight Australians.

However, with voices like Alastair's raised for gay rights, we are hopeful that things will only continue to improve for our LGBTQ family around the world. We also suggest following him on Twitter and the “No Homophobia No Exceptions” Facebook page he manages.

17. Gastro Gays – Gay foodie blog

GastroGays is a fabulous blog about food, travel and gay life in Dublin, London and beyond
Photo credit: Philip Doyle

From fashion to food, does it get any better? Russell and Patrick are the couple behind Gastro Gays, a blog that began in Dublin reviewing local eateries and has evolved into (as they say themselves) a “great big ball of food, travel and a lot of Eurovision!”. I mean, food, travel, and Eurovision? Talk about a couple out for our hearts!

We love checking out their food section for yummy recipes from around the world (they also have quite a few on YouTube if you prefer watching videos on how to cook things). With decadent delights such as a frozen strawberry, basil, and black pepper daiquiri or a seaweed-rubbed slow-roasted leg of lamb the boys are always sharing something unique AND delicious.

When we need a break from all the drooling over their recipes we enjoy getting some travel inspiration (with all the best recommendations on where to eat of course) or listening to their podcast Chew The Fat. Gastro Gays is one of the best gay blogs that really does feed our soul!

Happy travels are safe travels

We recommend you always take out reputable travel insurance before your next vacation. What happens if you suffer from illness, injury, theft, or a cancellation? Many gay travelers forget about it and regret it when something happens. Better to pay a small price and have peace of mind and not worry.

Read more travel adventures like this in our book!

We've published our very own gay travel book called, ‘Out in the World'. It has all our practical safety tips, first-hand advice, and travel stories from some of our favorite destinations.

We hope it inspires you to have a fun and safe trip!

Click on the book to order:

Gay couple travel book Nomadic Boys Out in the World

For more inspiration:

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These are our favorite gay bloggers on all sorts of different topics
Stefan Arestis

Hey everyone, I'm Stefan, the curly-haired Greek flavor behind the gay travel blog Nomadic Boys. Together with my other half, I have explored more than 90 countries across 5 continents. What I love most about traveling is discovering the local gay scene, making new friends, learning new cultures. I've written about LGBTQ travel in numerous online publications such as Gaycation Magazine, Gaycities, Gay Times and Pink News as well as for other non-gay-specific publications including Lonely Planet, The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Huffington Post. Check my full bio here.


Tuesday 14th of November 2023

Thanks for this list. I recently brought back my personal blog. Always great to come across other gay bloggers.

Stefan Arestis

Wednesday 15th of November 2023

Nice one :)


Tuesday 29th of December 2020

Amazing article, i like this and got many information about gay culture.

Stefan Arestis

Wednesday 30th of December 2020

Thanks :)

Chris Marshall

Wednesday 3rd of June 2020

What an excellent website, thanks! Very detailed accounts from different places around the world. Well done to everyone who contributed.

Stefan Arestis

Wednesday 3rd of June 2020

Thanks Chris :)

José lopez

Monday 18th of May 2020

2 friends of mine have started a new blog, I would be fun to see them become as big as this other bloggers

Stefan Arestis

Tuesday 19th of May 2020

Niiiice :)


Sunday 4th of August 2019

We love this list and follow everyone here. We hope to make your list in the future as 2 moms who travel with their baby boy.

Stefan Arestis

Monday 5th of August 2019

Fingers crossed :)