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What’s it like to party in the biggest gay club in Latin America

Stefan Arestis
What’s it like to party in the biggest gay club in Latin America

Here's our complete guide on what it's like to party in Theatron, the largest gay club in Latin America.

5,000 Colombian gay boys partying away in the same club? What's not to love…!

Theatron makes theatre out of a clubbing experience. From the castle-like architecture to the epic dancefloor production, Theatron grabs its patrons by the throat and thrusts them into an experience they'll never forget. It's where all the gay folk of Bogota end their Saturday evening and serves as the ultimate finale to a night out.

Gay couple travel book Nomadic Boys Out in the World

“We'll never forget our first moments entering this giant mega club…like a child lost in an amusement park, with so many rides to try, but not sure where to start.”

There are plenty of rooms to wander between, each with a different style, different decor, different music, and different kinds of people. Perhaps you're a chameleon, and you'll find yourself seamlessly blending into each setting. Or you'll pick a favourite, and snuggle in there for the whole night. Either way, you should definitely throw a quick look into each section, before deciding how to proceed. Be sure to also check out our comprehensive gay guide to Bogota for more tips on exploring the Colombian capital.

Where is the Theatron gay club?

Theatron gay club is located at Calle 58 #10-18, in Bogota's gay neighborhood called “Chapinero”, where you'll find most of the gay bars and clubs.

It is the largest, and in our opinion, the best gay club in Latin America. We'd happily go back in a heartbeat to Bogota just to party there.

Theatron is housed in a former theatre hall, hence the name.

It was converted into the beloved gay club complex way back in 2002 and has since evolved into a favourite amongst the LGBTQ scene in Colombia. With a total of 13 different club rooms, spread over 5 different floors, you might want to hold on tight to your friend's hands, as you can easily lose yourself within the sheer scale and spectacle that is – Theatron.

Going on a rainbow gay tour of Bogota is a wonderful way to get acquainted with the gay nightlife.

Experience Bogota's gay nightlife on a tour

Our friends at Out in Colombia, an excellent gay local tour company, offer a gay nightlife tour of Bogota. We found this to be a fantastic way to discover the gay scene. You'll be greeted by a gay local guide, who'll take you to the best gay bars and clubs in Bogota for an unforgettable night out! We've partnered up with them to offer our readers an exclusive 5% discount off their gay tour quoting NOMADICBOYS05.

Fill out this form to check availability for the Bogota gay tour and get a 5% discount.

You can also contact Out in Colombia directly, make sure to mention our name to enjoy the 5% discount.

Opening times for Theatron

Theatron is only open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. On Thursday and Friday nights, only some of the 13 clubrooms are open. Saturday is the main and busiest night when all the clubrooms are open.

The gay club is located at Calle 58 #10-18, in Bogota's gay neighbourhood called “Chapinero”, where you'll find most of gay bars and clubs. People make various pitstops around the area, either for a quick bite to eat or for drinks, before settling down for the night in Theatron. Be sure to check out our detailed guide to the best gay bars in Bogota to find out where to go for drinks before heading to Theatron.

Gay couple in Theatron gay club in Bogota
One of our many crazy Saturday nights at Theatron

Entry cost for Theatron

Theatron entrance fee is 50,000 Colombian pesos (around $15).

Best time to go to Theatron

Theatron officially opens from around 9 pm but doesn't really get busy until after 11 pm. The earlier you come, the more you can take advantage of the open bar that comes with your ticket. After all, who doesn't love an open bar?!

Coming early also allows you to get a feel for the place and get a feel for what each room is like: your type of crowd…your type of music? We used this opportunity to get chatting to the people already there, make some friends and figure out where the bathrooms/cloakrooms were.

How to get to Theatron?

The easiest way to get to Theatron is via Uber or taxi. We prefer Uber as it lets you enter the location in the app so you don't need to explain to the driver where to go. The cost is automatically calculated so you cannot get ripped off…

Tips for first-timers to Theatron

For any first-timers taking on the beast of Theatron, we understand how daunting it can be. Marching up to the fortress-like building can feel super intimidating, especially when you see groups of friends laughing and hanging out together in close-knit quarters.

We found ourselves asking, will we fit in? Will we get lost? Will it live up to the hype? What happens if we lose all of our money (or more likely), what happens if we spend all our money? Will we get IDed? (Ha! As if…)

We needn't have been so concerned. Theatron happily swung open its doors and welcomed us inside, and we felt like part of the family within minutes. Here are some tips that we picked up from the night.

Don't be afraid of the queue!

The queue can get quite long, but it's incredibly well organized, with a team of “marshals” moving it along and explaining to confuddled foreigners (i.e., us!) how it works. The marshals also explain general health and safety guidelines. It's a far cry from the door staff at other super clubs we've been to, like the Berghain in gay Berlin!

Once inside, you're issued a ticket, which grants you access to the entire club and its 13 rooms.

Don't forget to bring your ID

Make sure you bring your ID with you as they ask everyone for this on entry. Believe us, we were truly flattered when we reached the front of the line and they carded us. But it was just customary (as we so painfully learned later on).

There is a cloakroom inside where you can leave valuables. We can't stress the importance of using this facility enough. Theatron is very much a spectacle in every sense, and it can be so easy to get caught up in the carnival-like atmosphere around you. Before you know it, you're distracted, and misplace your wallet or your phone! Not a good way to spend your night out.

Tip your barman for extra special service!

The barmen are very cute and friendly- so we were tipping them regardless as it's simply the civil thing to do (our mothers did raise us right!). It also helps when you need a refill – they will spot you in the queue and serve you first! Plus it's nice to be nice – make a habit out of tipping your servers!

Watch out for pickpockets!

It's a very crowded space so, sadly it also attracts its fair share of pickpockets. As the Colombians say, “no dar papaya!” (don't show off your papaya!) – i.e. keep your valuables out of sight – ideally in the cloakroom.

We'll never forget the time we lost our bags with our passports and wallets inside due to us being distracted and caught up in the moment, and that was just at a Christening…so be vigilant!

Buy your ticket in advance

We recommend you have dinner at El Moro which is their restaurant and buy your Theatron ticket there so you won't have to queue. 

The most important tip of all, come with an open mind and an open heart. The Bogota boys are incredibly friendly and always keen to meet foreigners. They add to the charm of the place.

Theatron the largest gay club in Colombia and South America
Partying with our Colombian friends at the awesome Theatron

The different club rooms at Theatron

There are 13 rooms at Theatron, each with its own different atmosphere, crowd, and type of music. There was a broad range of styles, from salsa to electro, to female-only to male-only, pop to jazz…you name it!

1. The Theatron main room

This is where all the main action takes place.

Being in here kind of feels like the final number in a Broadway show, where all members of the ensemble come together for a smashing closing performance.

All the big events happen here. From the annual Pride event, to drag competitions, to their Valentine's Day special, this room holds such an important power on the Bogota gay scene.

With exploding confetti, fog and haze, loud music, and professional dancers moving through the floor, this is the place that will make you fall in love with Theatron. We fell in love with this room and really struggled to pull ourselves away. Yet, we knew that the other rooms would have so much to offer, so we kept it moving.

2. The Teatrino electro-music room

Transport yourself to the underground dungeons of Berlin, with deep, hypnotic beats, strobe lighting, LED screen, and a mix of people who are pierced and tatted up for the gawwwds!

Electronic music might not be your thing, but you owe it to yourself to take a sneaky peek into this room. Home to the Gay Circuit parties each year, this room has seen the rise of insanely talented techno artists, such as Tommy Love, Mauro Mozart, and Lydia Sanz.

We danced our hearts away in this room. The fantastic audio and riveting lighting design had our hairs standing on end!

3. The Templo room

Calling all drag lovers!

For all the glamour, glitz, and shenanigans of the fiercest queens on the Bogota scene, the Templo room is the beating heart of the dragalicious gay scene.

Lots of younger people frequent this room, drawn in by modern, popular music. Yaaas mama, this room is for all those under 40s, who love a bit of the Top 40 playing into the early hours of the night.

Drinking with friends at the Theatron gay club in Bogota
Oh, those pretty Colombians boys, they sure know how to make you smile…!

4. Music Lab

We were warned before checking out this room that it was pretty extreme.

So we definitely expected to see people getting down to heavy electric guitar music, but we weren't prepared for how hardcore these guys really were!

People were thrusting their bodies around in dramatic, contorted shapes – and they gave us funny looks for just giving the odd air guitar maneuver (Seb has that move down to a tee!)

Don't get us wrong, we love to rock. And if you love it too, then you definitely will fit in. But be prepared to go hard, or go home! (Or at least into the next room).

5. The Eva: female-only room

Whilst we didn't get a look into the female-only dance room (for obvious reasons), we love Theatron's creation of The Eva. An empowered space for women of all ages, backgrounds, and orientations, to come together and celebrate Girl Power!

Expect to hear great tunes from all of the best female pop stars. If you believe in life after love, then you gotta get with your friends, yell out to the world that you're coming out, and get this party started. So mozy on down, working it from side to side, and get into the groove!

6. Plaza Rosa: outdoor courtyard area

For when you're covered in sweat, need a place to sit down, get some air, and have a conversation with people (where you don't have to shout), the Plaza Rosa is the perfect place.

Nestled in the epicenter of Theatron, a quick look around this place makes us think about what the backset of a Disneyland resort looks like. All of the people you met in each room, each more unique than the last, have congregated in one place to drink, and have a good gossip!

We felt like we were sitting in the middle of a medieval courtyard, with arched doors leading off into the other rooms and bars in the surrounding the area.

If you swing by there on a Friday night, you'll be able to try your hand at karaoke – and Lord knows we never pass up the chance to show off our natural singing abilities…

With all that in mind, you'd think this place already had it all. And yet, it goes that one step further, with a Food House – serving up all the tastiest fast foods for you to recharge your energy. Though, we wouldn't recommend you fill yourself up before going up to sing…

Drinks at one of the bars in Theatron gay club Bogota
A night out at Theatron is always a barrel of laughs.

7. The Epoca Room: 70s, 80s and 90s music

Now, this is the place where we got our life!!!

From Bowie to Madonna in her heyday, Cyndi Lauper to Whitney, and Spice Girls to vintage Britney, this place is a dream come true for veteran gays.

We grew up on this music, so we had the best time partying in here. One moment we were dancing to Boy George, the next, we were thrusting along to the wailings of Kate Bush! A wild contrast – but ultimately, it is what every gay man already has on his playlist.

For older gays like us, it definitely helps to start off the night in here, getting warmed up, before braving the other areas!

8. La Cantina: Mexican jukebox bar

Our hips don't lie…!

In this room, you get down like they do in Colombia.

With Latin-inspired decor and a vibrant bohemian vibe, this place merges together the best parts of South American life.

We were addicted to the room's signature jukebox machine – where patrons gather around adding their desired song to the playlist. It can certainly lead to disputes between friends, but luckily, we're pretty much content with all kinds of music.

9. The Palma Salsa music room

This was one of our favorite rooms. It's an atmosphere that nurtures true love – and what better music to express your feeling to a loved one than the salsa!

There are very few places in the world where you can dance so openly and so sensually with your (same-sex) partner. Being able to dance salsa close to each other without worrying about who is looking was so liberating.

We partied amongst a seriously sexy crowd, LED screens, flashing lights, and the hottest Latin music into the wee hours of the morning. By the end, we felt like honorary citizens!

10. The Beerlin Bar: rock music

Bring out the stonewashed jeans, beer-stained shirts, and boots – as you enter The Beerlin Bar, the dive bar section! That's dive bar. Not diva.

When we walked into the room, we thought we must have (somehow) left Theatron all together, wandering instead into a (gulp!) straight bar…

Guys were just sitting back, sipping from beer bottles, and playing snooker! Sports were playing on a projected TV screen. The music was not camp by any means. The energy in this place was so much more chilled and laid back. Not a boyfriend drama in sight…!

If you aren't into the traditional party gay scene, then this could be the perfect room for you. It's pretty cool to hang out in when you do want to be in a bar setting but without all the melodramatics.

Wearing our harnesses at Theatron gay club in Bogota
That one time we went to Theatron wearing our harnesses

11. Metro Cafe & Bar

Pop fans galore!

If you're just wanting to dance to the likes of Gaga, Beyonce, Ariana, or Rihanna, then you've found your place. We noticed portraits of all of our favorite divas lining the walls in a gorgeous Art Deco concept.

Put away all of your fears and doubts and lose yourself in some of the best dance music the world has to offer.

We love going to clubs like this for the simple reason that it allows us to appreciate the masterfulness that is today's music. Admittedly we can be music prudes sometimes (and only stick to places like the Epoca room), but the exquisite sound quality in this room will teach anyone not to write off any of today's pop stars as brainwashed, music machines, but instead, recognize them as fully-fledged artists!

12. The Baru Room

Don't walk through here if you've had too many drinks…the mirror-lined tunnel at the main entrance is trippy as hell!

Here, there is no theme. No restrictions. Anything goes. From reggae to jazz, pop or metal, the Baru Room changes by the minute.

The unique architecture and design, mixed with the incredible sound and lighting design will spur a feeling inside you that you've never felt before. We felt alive! The energy in this place gives you feels electric – and you feel like you're in love with everyone around you.

After all, it's a small enough room – so you may as well enjoy the company of those around you.

13. The Lotus Room: male-only rooftop bar

This one is just for the boys! Sorry ladies…

A rooftop bar that overlooks the stunning skyline, there is no nicer way to top off your night than by grabbing a drink and watching the world go by.

We spotted people bustling home from work, market stall owners bundling up their merchandise for the day, groups of friends linking arms as they stumbled through the streets in tall stilettos, couples of all genders running down alleyways holding hands, and the stars emerging one by one in the night sky.

It's such a therapeutic experience, that we failed to notice for a solid twenty minutes that there was a bunch of strippers performing in the area. Who cares about the stars when you can see gorgeous men taking off their clothes? And these boys are not shy in any way at all! However, note that the strippers now only perform on Friday evening.

This place blends the magic of the city, with the vibrancy of the LGBTQ community, so make sure you get up to the sky bar when you can!

Useful map of Theatron gay club
Handy map of Theatron

BONUS: Check out the El Muro arty space


The El Muro is the newest space in the Theatron club – and oh boy, it has already left its mark.

With a funky and artistic vibe, this outdoor space doubles up as a restaurant. The owners collected art from around the city and decorated the area with it. Not only does this help the place look amazing, but it also injects a bit of pride into the Bogata art scene and gives a voice to the creators working in the city.

We got there just after it opened (at 5 pm) and got some tasty tacos before heading in for a night of dancing. We also bought our tickets for Theatron here, meaning we could skip the queue later on in the evening.

Check out Theatron's website for the latest details of any events taking place. You might also enjoy reading about our experience partying at the largest gay club in Georgia – Horoom Nights at Bassiani.

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Our guide to experiencing Theatron, the biggest gay club in Latin America!
Stefan Arestis

Hey everyone, I'm Stefan, the curly-haired Greek flavor behind the gay travel blog Nomadic Boys. Together with my other half, I have explored more than 90 countries across 5 continents. What I love most about traveling is discovering the local gay scene, making new friends, learning new cultures. I've written about LGBTQ travel in numerous online publications such as Gaycation Magazine, Gaycities, Gay Times and Pink News as well as for other non-gay-specific publications including Lonely Planet, The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Huffington Post. Check my full bio here.